Iron Ore farming
While Iron Ore farming is one of the least lucrative Ores in the game to farm, it can still sell for quite a bit on the auction house.
- Gold per Hour: ~10g
- Competition: low
- Requirements: 125+ Mining skill, level 30-35
Arathi Highlands
There is also some Mithril in the Arathi Highlands, but it’s more in the south. So, if you are purely focusing on Iron Ore, you should skip the southern route in the picture. There are some alternative routes, depending on how high you skill is, you might also want to pick up the Mithril.

Thousand Needles – Iron Ore farming
Farming in the Thousand Needles is more practical for the Horde, since it can be difficult to reach for Alliance players. If you are farming here, I recommend going into the caves, since they tend to have more Ore. Also try to skip the Shimmering Flats, there is not a lot of Iron Ore here and the distances there are not worth it. Keep in mind though, that Gadgetzan is closer than the other towns, even for the Horde.

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Thousand needles was all tin. Maybe it changed in the latest patch. Zero iron.