Tiger Lily is used for some very common Elixirs like Elixir of Mighty Strength and Spellpower Elixir. In addition to this, the hydrophilic herb is also required to make the Mighty Alchemists Stone, which is very useful for Alchemists, especially early on. It requires a Herbalism Skill of 375 or higher to pick.
Tiger Lily spawns exclusively near lakes and Rivers throughout Northrend. One of the most common locations to Farm Tiger Lily in Wrath Classic is Sholazar Basin. Apart from that, Grizzly Hills and the two starting zones also have some Tiger Lily.
Farming Tiger Lily in Sholazar Basin
Of all the Zones of Northrend, Sholazar Basin has by far the most spawns of Tiger Lily. The Herb can spawn all along the Rives throughout the zone. Though, to make the most of farming here, it would make sense to scan the whole zone, as the local herb Adders Tongue is also quite valuable.

Howling Fjord Tiger Lily Route
Not far behind Sholazar Basin, the Howling Fjord also has quite some Tiger Lilys in the watery areas of central and northern Howling Fjord. Being one of the lower level zones of Northrend, it’s not quire as profitable to farm here, but it can be a bit crowded than the other zones.

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