The herbalists holy grail – Black Lotus
It is always in high demand and it is by far the rarest herb in Classic WoW: Black Lotus. It is required to craft Flasks, which is why it is in such high demand. The price for a single Black Lotus range anywhere from 80-150 gold, depending on your servers economy and raiding activity. So how do I find it, I hear you asking? Here is the Short Answer:
Black Lotus can only be found in the following zones: Winterspring, Burning Steppes, Eastern Plaguelands and Silithus. It appears at fixed locations in these zones, so farming it can prove difficult sometimes, since the spots are frequently occupied by other herbalists. Now follows the long answer.
Black Lotus changes with Phase 5 Hotfix
There has been quite an impactful change to the way that Black Lotus spawns recently. Many new spawn locations have been added and the spawn rate has been increased.
There is a Blue Post by Community Manager Kaivax here, along with some changes to Warsong Gulch. While this Black Lotus change will make the prices drop a bit, it will most likely still be quite lucrative to farm them.
I have updated all the maps to include the new locations.
If you find any nodes that are missing or out of place, please let me know, so I can add/adjust them.
Winterspring Black Lotus Farming
While Winterspring has the most Black Lotus locations, competition in this zone can get quite overwhelming, since it is also the only zone where Icecap can be gathered. This makes Winterspring a great zone for herbalists to farm, if there aren’t too many people there.

Eastern Plaguelands
Eastern Plaguelands is very similar to Winterspring when it comes to Black Lotus farming. Herbalists can gather Plaguebloom here, which is only farmable in 3 zones in the game. In addition, the competition in this zone is also quite high, since the Eastern Plaguelands are generally a highly visited zone.

Burning Steppes Black Lotus locations
The competition is not quite as high on this route, as on the previous two. In general, the Burning Steppes is a very underrated zone. It has high level ores and herbs for farmers and there are usually not many people here, since it doesn’t have a lot of quests.

Silithus would be my last choice for farming Black Lotus. While the competition is usually quite low here, many of the spawns are in elite areas, making is very difficult for solo players to farm them. If you are a Druid or a Rogue though, this is quite easy to avoid with Stealth. Or you can find a couple of friends and split the gold evenly 🙂

Coordinates & Gathermate2 Import
As many people have requested, below you can see a list of all the new Black Lotus locations, in the usual formats. Please keep in mind that the maps above include the old locations, which do still spawn, but these lists don’t include them.
To import the Gathermate Data, download this data Addon for Gathermate, which includes all the Classic Data. Then edit the
\World of Warcraft\_classic_\Interface\AddOns\GatherMate2_Data\HerbalismData.lua file and overwrite it with the data below, then import again using the Gathermate addon, to add the old data again.
Show Regular Coordinates
20, 76
21, 62
22, 39
25, 17
27, 34
30, 34
31, 72
33, 33
34, 14
34, 91
37, 35
43, 19
45, 28
46, 83
53, 76
56, 21
58, 60
63, 28
66, 68
66, 16
70, 23
64, 79
61, 19
47, 54.5
Eastern Plaguelands
67, 46
62, 81
45, 30
67, 47
62, 81
82, 84
72, 51
37, 51
22, 33
55, 25
55, 69
46, 35
83, 38
74, 63
54, 48
66, 26
15, 31
29, 71
40, 89
69, 83
34, 36
89, 85
65, 69
69, 42
57, 69
60, 30
58, 20
52, 27
68, 53
58, 53
40, 36
64, 69
32, 44
59, 73
64, 79
68, 23
57, 57
50, 16
55, 44
63, 18
35, 36
45, 41
66, 60.5
65.5, 50
55, 9.5
Burning Steppes
19, 48
66, 40
55, 42
51, 54
54, 63
26, 59
63, 60
92, 32
66, 39
54, 36
13, 31
25, 63
25, 44
55.8, 54.5
29, 61
31.5, 71
82, 33
73, 68
44, 56
82, 25
37, 51
75, 62
73, 68
42, 37
Show Gathermate2 Data Import
GatherMateData2HerbDB = {
[1451] = {
[2000760000] = 431,
[2100620000] = 431,
[2200390000] = 431,
[2500170000] = 431,
[2700340000] = 431,
[3000340000] = 431,
[3100720000] = 431,
[3300330000] = 431,
[3400140000] = 431,
[3400910000] = 431,
[3700350000] = 431,
[4300190000] = 431,
[4500280000] = 431,
[4600830000] = 431,
[5300760000] = 431,
[5600210000] = 431,
[5800600000] = 431,
[6300280000] = 431,
[6600680000] = 431,
[6600160000] = 431,
[7000230000] = 431,
[6400790000] = 431,
[6100190000] = 431,
[4700545000] = 431,
[1423] = {
[6700460000] = 431,
[6200810000] = 431,
[4500300000] = 431,
[6700470000] = 431,
[6200810000] = 431,
[8200840000] = 431,
[7200510000] = 431,
[3700510000] = 431,
[2200330000] = 431,
[5500250000] = 431,
[5500690000] = 431,
[4600350000] = 431,
[8300380000] = 431,
[7400630000] = 431,
[5400480000] = 431,
[6600260000] = 431,
[1500310000] = 431,
[2900710000] = 431,
[4000890000] = 431,
[6954833100] = 431,
[3400366000] = 431,
[8900856000] = 431,
[6500696000] = 431,
[6900426000] = 431,
[1452] = {
[5700690000] = 431,
[6000300000] = 431,
[5800200000] = 431,
[5200270000] = 431,
[6800530000] = 431,
[5800530000] = 431,
[4000360000] = 431,
[6400690000] = 431,
[3200440000] = 431,
[5900730000] = 431,
[6400790000] = 431,
[6800230000] = 431,
[5700570000] = 431,
[5025167500] = 431,
[5560447000] = 431,
[6300180000] = 431,
[3560365000] = 431,
[4500410000] = 431,
[6600605000] = 431,
[6550500000] = 431,
[5500095000] = 431,
[1428] = {
[1900480000] = 431,
[6600400000] = 431,
[5500420000] = 431,
[5100540000] = 431,
[5400630000] = 431,
[2600590000] = 431,
[6300600000] = 431,
[9200320000] = 431,
[6600390000] = 431,
[5400360000] = 431,
[1300310000] = 431,
[2500630000] = 431,
[2500440000] = 431,
[5580545000] = 431,
[2900610000] = 431,
[3150710000] = 431,
[8200330000] = 431,
[7300680000] = 431,
[4400560000] = 431,
[8200250000] = 431,
[3700510000] = 431,
[7500620000] = 431,
[4262375500] = 431,
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Love this site, thanks for the guide.
Thank you, I’m glad you like it <3
So when you import these new data you wont see the 10 original spawns?
First you overwrite the lua file, at that point, yes, the new ones will be the only ones. Then you re-import the old Data through Gathermate, merge it, and you’ll have both.
Confirmed: ur missing one spot. wont tell which one 😡
Prove it 😀
in DM arena there is 2 that spawns 🙂
That’s purple lotus you dense cabbage
DC don’t be so rude when you are wrong. When Mushgog, rare elite in DM arena, spawns there will two black lotus that spawn as well.
EPL Darrowshire, just behind the building right under the “W”
ws 59.1 60.1
Stronghold left camp 😀
Love it. Can you do route maps for Black Lotus with sattelite map view like the other herbs? Also can you do one for Mountain Silversage? Thanks for your hard work!
Thank you so much for the feedback! I will do one for Mountain Silversage next. And I’ll try to add the maps for Black Lotus sometime.
Honestly I like it this way better than the satellite maps.
Satellite maps are easier to see exactly where the spawn is and I’ve also replaced my in game maps with satellite so these stylized tell me very little in comparison
Seriously, thanks so much for making this displayed more easily!!
I can confirm that one location was missed in Winterspring at about 59, 60 outside the cave.
Thank you! I will correct that is as soon as possible 🙂
thats correct
Thank you so much for the guide and your time and hard work. ⚘
We have been testing your theory that “the black lotus in Sithilus near the elites spawn far more frequently.”
Over the course of almost an entire day of spawn camping nodes, we can confirm this is not true. 1 black lotus, per zone that they are found, per hour. That is the rule, pretty much on the hour every hour. Although some are 65-70 minutes apart.
After you pick a black lotus node, you can start a 1 hour timer, and have your guild camp every node location and on the hour, almost every time, someone would get the lotus. We have been teaming up like this and have been very successful in our farming for BWL.
Thank you for the comment. What I meant with that sentence was that those would be up more frequently because of the elite mobs near it. I have adjusted the post to include your information. Thanks again 🙂
Hey, seems like i got a new point in Burning Steps 20.5 45.5 elite camp
Can you update the new spots?
I added a link to some new maps. However, they are not currently confirmed to be accurate. Feel free to check it out though.
I have a new Spot in BS for u. 31.90 69.65 In front of the cave.
Thank you, I have added it to the map.
WS 50.25 16.75
75.62 Burning Steppes. SE Dragonkin Camp near Redridge Entrance. Have picked two in that location.
EPL Confirmed locations
83 38
74 63
I apologize but I can’t find the answer anywhere else. How do I manually import these new nodes in to gathermate2? I tried copying the data in to the .lua but must have done something wrong because I had to re-import the spinx data as all nodes had disappeared.
I’m not sure how this works in combination with Spinx. I use the Gathermate2_Data. When using that, just overwrite the .lua file and then reimport the old data. I’ve added this information in the Article now.
Importing this does not work, tried to edit the lua code, delete all the GatherMate2 and GatherMate2_Data addons. Fresh install and the edited the lua file and it does nothing. It only shows the old Black Lotus spawn points, not the new ones.
I’m having trouble importing this data into my GatherMate 2 Data addon. Could someone point me toward something that shows me how to do this?
Thank you
I got the import to work however you have more lotus on the maps then you do code to import for. Is it because they have not been confirmed?
Thanks for the comment, I’m glad it’s working. Like I mentioned in the article, the import does not include the old locations, but the maps do.
can anyone confirm these 2 in burning steppes ? they seem to be impossible to get to. Are the coordinates just a bit off ? or if someone can tell where is a path to get to them since they are both up in the mountains.
73, 68 is just a bit off, it’s near the dragonkin camp. I checked the other one and couldn’t find a way to get there either, even though there are many of these hidden mountain areas at the edges of the zone. I’ve removed that one until someone can confirm it. There were several people who reported it, though, so it might just be hard to get to.
I havn’t seen anyone post this but there’s a lotus that spawns in WS in the northeastern owl enclave. Just got it this morning,.
ws 55.6 | 44.7
BS at 42.62 37.55 at the little Rock a new Lotus Spot
Winterspring lotus spawns at 63,21.3 (The Hidden Grove) and 35.6, 36.5 (Frostfire Hot Springs) picked them myself so can confirm accuracy.
69,54 / 83,31 Eastern Plaguelands, Scarlet Base Camp
34.0 36.6 EPL confirmed
winterspring 45,41 is missing.
I can confirm à spot that don’t appaear on the map, Winterspring: 63 / 18
can you update gathermate 2 import with the new locations seem to missing quite a few that are on the map but not in there
I’ve updated the import. Keep in mind though, that the import only includes the NEW locations, while the maps also include the old ones.
Yes i know map include also old locations, I was talking about new locations only. There are still few NEW SPAWN locations missing from import/coardinates list that are on the map.
– the one behind Tyr’s hand cathedral seems like around 89, 85
-the one right of Corin’s crossing around 64,68 (kinda looks like it spawned on a plaguebloom spot)
-bit up from eastwall tower lotus spawn around 69,42 (also looks like it might be on plaguebloom spot)
Winterspring :
-North one in Owl Wing Thicket around 66, 60
-in Ice Thistle Hills next to the crossroad 65,50
-right of rocksaber rock around 55,10
– there where galakron bones are around 47, 55
Didn’t check Burning steppes, would be nice if you can list the correct coordinates for these as i was eye balling these just by look at the map.
I went through the data again and you are right. I must have forgotten to add those to my lists when I was adding them to the maps. Your coordinates were pretty close, here are the ones I added to the lists now:
Eastern Plaguelands
89, 85
65, 69
69, 42
47, 54.5
66, 60.5
65.5, 50
55, 9.5
I also checked Burning Steppes again and didn’t find any that were missing. Thank you again for your help and information! I appreciate it.
No problem happy to help,
You forgot another one in EPL its the one at the entrance to Tyr’s Hand at around 75,79
I’m guessing these get more accurate all the time. Do you regularly update and fix these. Because I imported these very early on and was getting lots of lotus but now I’m not. Thank you for doing all this. Srlsy.
I do indeed 🙂 Thank you, I’m glad I can help.
Hey Bodda, thank you very much for your work on this.
Is there any way to import the new data in the existing data, for example, only editing data files? Quick guidelines would be nice, I’ll figure out the rest.
Thanks again!
I’m having trouble importing this data into my GatherMate 2 Data addon. Could someone point me toward something that shows me how to do this?
Thank you
Another spawn point in Burning Steppes at 92.01,53.29 – I personally picked that one Monday night.
Ive spent roughly 16 hrs camping the 27,34 and 30,34 nodes in silithus and the only thing that has spawned at 30,34 is dream foil and nothing at all from 27,34
Camping is a bad strategy after the changes since they can spawn at 30+ locations. If you would have run around randomly for 16h you would have gotten a few of them
So anyone found any changes to BL from today’s patch?
Missing one lotus spawn on the picture of Eastern Plaguelands, its near the light Hopes, around half the way to the tower of tyrs hand, you pass the graveyard and follow the path to the tower of tyrs hand, it should be there near the mountains to the left. Found it there a few times. Not sure if the lotus at the tower is valid tho, never seen it. Also never seen one on Right side of the big chappel furthest in tyrs hand, the garden there, checked it a milion times.
how to import the old data once the lua overwrite is done and game displays the new data?
Just import the gathermate data again using the import button. Make sure to merge the data and not replace it.
Downloaded gathermate and the data file, got the data from this page to the .lua file (delete old+paste new). Go in game and merge. And its not showing most of BL, like the ogre mountains 2 spots.
Did i forgot something?
Thx for advanse.
55.4 52.7 BL Winsterspring