Phase 1 (Classic Release)
- Molten Core
- Onyxia
- Maraudon
- You can PvP one another in the world, but there is no tracking, and no formal rewards for doing so.
Phase 2
- Dire Maul
- Azuregos
- Kazzak
- Honor System (including Dishonorable Kills)
- PvP Rank Rewards
Phase 3
- Blackwing Lair
- Darkmoon Faire
- Darkmoon deck drops begin
- Alterac Valley (version 1.12)
- Warsong Gulch
Phase 4
- Zul’Gurub
- Green Dragons
- Arathi Basin
Phase 5
- Ahn’Qiraj War Effort begins
- Ahn’Qiraj raids open when the war effort dictates
- Dungeon loot reconfiguration: Tier 0.5 Dungeon gear, Relics, drop rates and location changes
Phase 6
- Naxxramas
- Scourge Invasion
- World PvP objectives in Silithus and Eastern Plaguelands
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