Diablo 4 is set to introduce new mechanics and features, including the Altar of Lilith. These altars are scattered across the world of Sanctuary and provide players with permanent stat bonuses once activated. However, finding these altars can be quite tricky, as they may be hidden or located in hard-to-reach areas. In this post, we’ll provide you with an image and a guide on where to find all the Altars of Lilith in Diablo 4.

What Are Altars of Lilith?

Altars of Lilith are a new feature in Diablo 4 that provide permanent stat bonuses once activated. These altars are spread across the world of Sanctuary and may be located in hard-to-reach or secret areas. Activating an Altar of Lilith will provide players with a permanent boost to one of four stats: Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence, or Vitality.

Altars of Lilith also contribute to the zone renown system in Diablo 4. Each zone in the game has a renown system that tracks a player’s progress in that zone. Activating an Altar of Lilith in a zone will increase that zone’s renown, which gives additional rewards at certain thresholds.

All Altar of Lilith Locations for Diablo 4

Finding all the Altars of Lilith can be quite a challenge, but we’ve got you covered. Below is an image with all the known Altar of Lilith locations marked. Here’s where to find all Altars of Lilith:

Fractured Peaks

Fractured Peaks Altars of Lilith Map
Fractured Peaks Altars of Lilith Map


Scosglen Altars of Lilith Map
Scosglen Altars of Lilith Map

Dry Steppes

Dry Steppes Altars of Lilith Map
Dry Steppes Altars of Lilith Map


Kehjistan Altars of Lilith Map
Kehjistan Altars of Lilith Map


Hawezar Altars of Lilith Map
Hawezar Altars of Lilith Map

Where to find Altars of Lilith in Diablo 4

Some of the altars are located in plain sight, while others may require players to solve puzzles or defeat tough enemies to reach them. It’s worth noting that the image may not include all the Altars of Lilith in Diablo 4, as the game has yet to be released and more may be added.

Activating an Altar of Lilith requires players to interact with it, which will trigger a short animation and provide the permanent stat bonus. Once activated, the Altar of Lilith cannot be used again, so players will need to find all the altars in the game to maximize their stat bonuses.


The Altars of Lilith are a new and exciting feature in Diablo 4 that will provide players with permanent stat bonuses once activated. Finding all the altars can be quite challenging, but the rewards are worth it. Remember to keep an eye out for hidden or hard-to-reach areas, as some altars may be located in these spots. With the image and guide provided in this post, you should be well on your way to finding all the Altars of Lilith in Diablo 4. Another useful tool for this is the Interactive Map.