Where to farm Adamantite in TBC
Adamantite comes in two variants in the World. Adamantite Deposit, which requires Mining 325 to gather, and Rich Adamantite Deposit, requiring Mining 350 to gather. The best zones for Adamantite Farming are Nagrand, Netherstorm, Blades Edge Mountains and Shadowmoon Valley, in that order.
Nagrand Adamantite Farming
Nagrand has the most Adamantite Deposits and most of them can also spawn as Rich Adamantite Deposits. This makes Nagrand one of the best zones to farm Adamantite Ore in. Of course, at least a slow flying is recommended here, since there are lots of cliffs, especially near the center of the zone.

Blades Edge Mountains Adamantite Locations
While there are a lot less Rich Adamantite Deposits in this zone, it can still be worth farming here. There is generally a lot less competition here, making this zone almost as good as Netherstorm. Keep in mind that all of the Rich Adamantite Deposits are up on the eastern and northern plateaus, so you will need a flying mount for best results. You might also find the occasional Fel Iron Deposit here.

Netherstorm Adamantite Farming
Netherstorm has a few more nodes overall than Blades Edge Mountains, and of those, a lot more are Rich Adamantite Deposits. In this zone Especially, you want a flying mount, it can make all the difference. The best Adamantite Locations in Netherstorm are the two mines near Manaforge Ultris and Manaforge Ara.

Shadowmoon Valley Mining
Shadowmoon Valley has one downside: There is less Adamantite here than in other zones. There are a couple of upsides though! There is a whole bunch of Fel Iron Ore around the central mountain – which is a nice bonus. In Addition, most of the Adamantite Nodes here can also spawn as Rich variants. A flying mount is recommended but not as necessary as with the other zones.

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