Farming Mageweave Cloth

  • Gold per Hour: 30 – 50g
  • Competition: low – medium
  • Requirements: level 46+

Dunemaul Ogres in Tanaris

Farming Mageweave Cloth can be a great option for gold farming in Classic WoW. Mageweave is the most needed cloth variant, right after Runecloth. One of the largest pros of this spot is that you can do it from level 46, as the mobs are around 45-48. If you are doing this while leveling, you can even combine it with a couple of quests in the area. That way, you don’t loose out on questing experience while farming mageweave cloth. Here’s the map:

Tanaris dunemaul ogres mageweave map
Tanaris dunemaul ogres mageweave map

Deadwind Pass Ogres

In general, you want to kill humanoids that are level 45 or higher when you are farming. There is another spot with ogres that can be amazing. The higher the level of the mobs gets, the higher the chance is, that they also drop Runecloth. It’s in one of the least visited zones in all of World of Warcraft, the Deadwind Pass. Along with some spirits, these Ogres are the only ones that dare to make camp here. The spot is along the eastern path towards the south, and there are more than enough ogres here. The competition depends a lot on the server though, and how many people know about it.